/ about Us
We have gathered the best specialists in all major areas of Internet promotion with more than 10 years of experience.
years on the market
various niches
middle position

Креативные и инновационные технологии для вашего бизнеса.
  • Продающий дизайн
  • Верстка сайта
  • Оптимизация кода и скорости
  • Создание удобной админ панели
  • Подключение необходимых интеграций
  • Разработка кастомных инструментов
  • Внедрение мультиязычности и региональности

Комплексное решение для больших и начинающих бизнесов.
  • Разработка стратегия
  • Контекстная реклама
  • SEO
  • Разработка
  • Развитие бренда
  • SMM

Профессиональная настройка и ведение контекстной и таргетинговой рекламы.
  • Google Ads
  • Bing Ads
  • FB and IG Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • Linkedin Ads
  • Direct

Выведение сайтов в Топ поисковой выдачи.
  • Продвижение сайтов на англо-говорящие страны: США, Канады, Англии, Австралии
  • Продвижение в странах СНГ
  • Продвижение на Европу

Профессиональная настройка аналитики и оптимизация конверсии сайта (CRO).
  • Настройка GA4
  • Внедрение целей
  • Настройка кастомных отчетов
  • Анализ поведения пользователей на сайте
  • Составление рекомендаций по улучшению конверсии
  • Проведение А/Б тестов
History of the company

Wylaks is an amazing example of successful entrepreneurship and innovation. Founded a few years ago, the company began its journey as a startup with a small team of enthusiasts who had big ambitions and creative ideas. Over time, “Wylaks” was able to grow into a leading player in its field thanks to a constant desire for improvement and unique approaches to solving problems.

The history of the company is marked by several key stages of development. From the very beginning, “Wylaks” paid great attention to innovation, creating products and services that solved the actual problems of customers. Thanks to this approach, the company quickly won the trust of customers and gained a significant market share.

However, Wylaks’ success was not limited to products. Team management and corporate culture also became a key factor. The company sought to create an inspiring work environment where every employee felt like a valuable member of the team. This contributed to the attraction of outstanding specialists and contributed to long-term stability.

As a result, “Wylaks” became an example of how a combination of innovation, quality products and caring for employees can lead to impressive success in the market. Her story is an inspiration for everyone who wants to create and develop their own business in the dynamic environment of modern entrepreneurship.


Over time, Wylaks continued to expand its reach and introduce new technologies. Investing in research and development has become a key element of its strategy. Thanks to this, “Wylaks” launched a number of innovative products on the market that turned the industry upside down and satisfied even the most demanding customer needs.

The culture of innovation and learning remained an important aspect of the company’s life. “Wylaks” actively interacted with educational institutions, supporting young professionals and students in their pursuit of development in technical and creative fields. This not only helped the company bring a fresh perspective to solving problems, but also contributed to the development of the innovation ecosystem in the region.


Today, “Wylaks” stands at the peak of success, but does not lose its values and desire for improvement. The company continues to conduct active social responsibility and participate in projects aimed at the public good. Her story proves that bold ideas, dedication and constant development can lead to incredible business achievements and inspire others on similar journeys to success.

Our team
Marketing director
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